in bytes
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type A: (Rate Data/Revenue Price Data) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type N: (Proration Data, Nursery & FL Fruit Tr) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type T: (FCI-33) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type 4: (Prices) ADM record type P: (Opt. Prices/Factors) ADM record type Q: (Quality Adjustment Factors)
| 4,546 4,546 4,546 156 1,144 1,400 295 26,615 2,975 1,476 19,234 165 41,828 93 3,936 1,092 196
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type 7: (FCI-32 Listing P & S) ADM record type 9: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Data) ADM record type C: (Crop Revenue) ADM record type F: (High Risk - Continuous Rating) ADM record type G: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Commodity Data) ADM record type I: (Income Protection) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type P: (Opt. Prices/Factors) ADM record type Q: (Quality Adjustment Factors) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type T: (FCI-33) ADM record type V: (Revenue Assurance) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type 4: (Prices) ADM record type J: (Rate Data/GRIP Crops)
| 69,021 69,781 69,781 41,186 556,899 14,415 12,516 365 516,672 388,935 2,873 122,948 5,441 1,516,154 2,802 4,277 23,341 90,228 25,065 613 68,182 60,647 3,564
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type 7: (FCI-32 Listing P & S) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type 4: (Prices) ADM record type C: (Crop Revenue) ADM record type F: (High Risk - Continuous Rating) ADM record type I: (Income Protection) ADM record type N: (Proration Data, Nursery & FL Fruit Tr) ADM record type P: (Opt. Prices/Factors) ADM record type Q: (Quality Adjustment Factors) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type T: (FCI-33) ADM record type V: (Revenue Assurance) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type A: (Rate Data/Revenue Price Data) ADM record type 9: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Data) ADM record type G: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Commodity Data) ADM record type J: (Rate Data/GRIP Crops)
| 102,197 102,957 102,957 41,216 516,323 8,673 243,111 9,616 1,105 133,645 85,767 19,638 16,047 673,780 3,383 7,556 2,166,818 6,655 45,580 95,135 32,064 156 556,899 365 3,564
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type Q: (Quality Adjustment Factors) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type T: (FCI-33) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type N: (Proration Data, Nursery & FL Fruit Tr) ADM record type A: (Rate Data/Revenue Price Data) ADM record type 4: (Prices) ADM record type P: (Opt. Prices/Factors)
| 4,723 4,723 4,723 1,138 1,267 25,118 196 2,886 1,666 19,106 138 170 42,100 1,141 156 4,027 1,036
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type 7: (FCI-32 Listing P & S) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type 4: (Prices) ADM record type C: (Crop Revenue) ADM record type F: (High Risk - Continuous Rating) ADM record type I: (Income Protection) ADM record type P: (Opt. Prices/Factors) ADM record type Q: (Quality Adjustment Factors) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type T: (FCI-33) ADM record type V: (Revenue Assurance) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type N: (Proration Data, Nursery & FL Fruit Tr) ADM record type A: (Rate Data/Revenue Price Data) ADM record type J: (Rate Data/GRIP Crops) ADM record type 9: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Data) ADM record type G: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Commodity Data)
| 269,890 270,527 270,527 36,424 524,301 8,349 366,362 10,206 1,238 136,262 88,024 19,952 16,473 678,486 7,624 2,188,102 6,794 47,672 95,369 32,785 7,500 156 6,570 588,324 364
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type F: (High Risk - Continuous Rating) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type 4: (Prices)
| 1,254 1,254 1,254 3 294 55 3,694 1,205 112 81 81
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type C: (Crop Revenue) ADM record type F: (High Risk - Continuous Rating) ADM record type I: (Income Protection) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type P: (Opt. Prices/Factors) ADM record type Q: (Quality Adjustment Factors) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type T: (FCI-33) ADM record type V: (Revenue Assurance) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type J: (Rate Data/GRIP Crops)
| 21,822 21,822 21,822 5,231 3,517 157,108 125,824 88 11,382 1,047 649,640 878 1,883 3,017 17,845 6,918 161 22,548 21,546
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type F: (High Risk - Continuous Rating) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type 4: (Prices) ADM record type C: (Crop Revenue) ADM record type I: (Income Protection) ADM record type P: (Opt. Prices/Factors) ADM record type Q: (Quality Adjustment Factors) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type T: (FCI-33) ADM record type V: (Revenue Assurance) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type J: (Rate Data/GRIP Crops)
| 23,076 23,076 23,076 3,520 126,118 143 15,076 3,088 273 22,629 81 5,231 157,108 1,047 649,640 878 3,017 17,845 6,918 21,546
2007 FCI-35 Coverage and Rates for 06/30 |
2007 Map Rule Pages 6/30 filing |
2007 State Summary of Changes for 6/30 filing |
2007 Special Provisions 6/30 filing |
2007 Table of Contents for 06/30 filing |
2007 Table of Contents Year-to-Date |
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