in bytes
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type 9: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Data) ADM record type F: (High Risk - Continuous Rating) ADM record type G: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Commodity Data) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type N: (Proration Data, Nursery & FL Fruit Tr) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type Q: (Quality Adjustment Factors) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type 4: (Prices)
| 45,207 47,145 47,145 1,136,526 300 411 37,700 10 13 751 462 1,543 283 55,579 5,933
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type F: (High Risk - Continuous Rating) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type 4: (Prices)
| 1,371 1,371 1,371 121 6,679 720 575 144 134 1,241 1,225
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type F: (High Risk - Continuous Rating) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type 4: (Prices) ADM record type C: (Crop Revenue) ADM record type I: (Income Protection) ADM record type P: (Opt. Prices/Factors) ADM record type Q: (Quality Adjustment Factors) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type V: (Revenue Assurance) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type J: (Rate Data/GRIP Crops) ADM record type 9: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Data) ADM record type G: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Commodity Data) ADM record type N: (Proration Data, Nursery & FL Fruit Tr)
| 72,141 74,067 74,067 3,925 183,229 96 5,421 6,093 680 80,181 27,239 5,248 157,108 1,159 872,152 878 17,823 7,191 1,660 1,136,526 411 13
Price Addendum for 2010 10/31 filing |
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