TO: All Reinsured Companies
FROM: Tim B. Witt /s/ Tim B. Witt
Deputy Administrator
SUBJECT: Pilot Program Review
The Risk Management Agency (RMA) will be conducting regional pre-release review sessions in California of the dollar citrus pilot program and in Massachusetts, Virginia, and Florida of the aquaculture (clam) program in late-July or early August. The review sessions are set up as a control check using individuals who have not generally been involved with the development of the pilot program but have experience in program delivery and daily operations.
The review sessions will include a presentation detailing the pilot program, using regional actuarial information and examples. It is preferred that the sessions include individuals with policy, loss adjustment, or crop expertise, especially experience related to citrus or any aquaculture type crop. RMA is requesting company representatives to participate in the review sessions. The exact dates and places of the review sessions are being worked on and you will be advised soon. In the meantime, if you have questions or would like a representative to be included in the review session, please contact Mike O'Connell by July 9, 1999.
Michael O'Connell
Risk Management Agency
9435 Holmes
Kansas City, Missouri 64131
(816) 926-6343