TO: All Reinsured Companies

National Crop Insurance Services

American Association of Crop Insurers

Crop Insurance Research Bureau

FROM: Heyward Baker //signed// 9-10-99


Reinsurance Services Division

SUBJECT: RMA/Insurance Services/Industry Partnering Effort

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Insurance Services (IS) will not be able to schedule the above referenced meeting during the week of September 27, 1999, in Cincinnati, Ohio. We also understand that week was not convenient for several industry representatives. We are now proposing to schedule this meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, during the last week of October or the second week in November, 1999. We are still investigating the availability of meeting space and accommodations.

If you have any concerns regarding either of the weeks being proposed, please contact your account executive if a reinsured company, or my secretary at (202) 720-4232. You may also provide notice by E-mail, my address is:

We are looking forward to this opportunity to meet with you and we sincerely hope this change in schedule has not caused you any significant inconvenience.