BULLETIN NO.: MGR-95-031 TO: All Reinsured Companies CFSA Headquarters, Program Delivery and Field Operations All Risk Management Field Offices FROM: Kenneth D. Ackerman Acting Deputy Administrator SUBJECT: Acreage Reports Due July 15, 1995 and Acceptance of Applications for Subsequent Crops BACKGROUND: In response to excessive rainfall that prevented producers from meeting normal planting requirements in certain areas, Secretary Dan Glickman announced changes to 1995 prevented planting provisions. The combined effects of the delay in planting and changes in the insurance program may cause insurance providers and farmers in the affected areas to be unable to meet acreage report filing deadlines. ACTION: The actions listed below may be taken for the following states: Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin. Insurance Providers may accept acreage reports through July 31, 1995, without performing crop inspections for all 1995 crop year spring planted crops with a July 15, 1995, acreage reporting date. Insurance providers are authorized to utilize a register to record a producer's timely intent to secure CAT coverage for subsequent crops that may have been planted as a result of prevented planting of the originally insured intended crop. The register must include the producer's name and signature, social security or tax identification number, and a list of the subsequent crops planted. The producer must pay the $50 processing fee for each crop (if applicable) at the time the register is signed. All applications for CAT coverage of subsequent crops must be documented on a timely signed application or register by July 15, 1995.