United States Risk Washington D.C. Department of Management 20250 Agriculture Agency BULLETIN NO.: MGR-96-025 TO: All Reinsured Companies All Risk Management Field Offices FSA Headquarters, Program Delivery and Field Operations FROM: Kenneth D. Ackerman Acting Administrator SUBJECT: Karnal Bunt Wheat Advisory BACKGROUND: The plant disease Karnal Bunt (Tilletia indica) has been identified in durum and winter wheat growing in Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. This is the first time the disease has been identified in the U. S. and it poses a significant threat to U. S. exports. Fields of wheat found with the disease prior to heading were ordered destroyed in New Mexico and Texas, while contaminated fields already headed in Arizona and California will be harvested and tracked until it is milled or fed as livestock feed. Insurance providers have requested information on the disease and how it affects the crop insurance program. DISCUSSION: The wheat crop insurance policy does not cover crop loss related to a government mandated quarantine. Therefore, losses associated with producers being required to destroy acreage prior to harvest does not qualify as an insurable cause under the policy. The current policy covers situations where the crop is destroyed in cases affecting human or animal health (e.g. mycotoxins and aflatoxin). Karnal Bunt is not known to impact human or animal health. The policy does not address the required destruction of a crop for the purpose of containing a potential economic hazard. The crop insurance policy covers any loss of production below the established guarantee resulting from the disease, as well as any resulting quality losses based on the U. S. Grain Standards. Production will be eligible for quality adjustment if: (i) deficiencies in quality, in accordance with the United States Standards for Grain, result in: (A) wheat not meeting the grade requirements for U.S. No. 4 (grades U.S. No. 5 or worse) because of test weight, total damaged kernels ( excluding heat damage), shrunken and broken kernels, or defects (excluding foreign material or heat damage), or grading garlicky, light smutty, smutty or ergoty; If contaminated production was determined to be smutty in accordance with the U.S. Grain Standards, the quality discount would apply; however, the amount of the smut found in the quarantined grain to date has been very small in relation to the amount required to grade the grain "smutty". After a field has been identified as infected with Karnal Bunt, the Department of Agriculture will require that no wheat or triticale be grown on the acreage for a period of four years following the current crop year. ACTION: Insurance providers will adjust losses for insured acreage contaminated with Karnal Bunt in accordance with existing policy and procedure. Premium which would otherwise be due on Karnal Bunt infected acres is due and payable even if the acreage is required to be destroyed by the Department of Agriculture prior to heading.