April 30, 1997 BULLETIN NO.: MGR-97-018 TO: All Reinsured Companies All Risk Management Field Offices FSA Headquarters, Program Delivery and Field Operations FROM: Kenneth D. Ackerman Administrator SUBJECT: Accepting Late Production Reports in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota BACKGROUND: The flood waters that are currently receding in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota have had a devastating effect on the infrastructure of the area surrounding the Red River. In Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota producers are required by procedure to have provided last year's production records to their agents by today. Generally, producers who fail to report their prior year production on time receive an assigned yield for the year that can adversely affect their approved yield. Due to the reported damage to homes, offices, roads, etc., the Risk Management Agency (RMA) received requests to allow additional time for production reporting in the impacted areas. After reviewing the situation, RMA has determined that current conditions may preclude some producers from timely submitting their production reports. RMA has concluded that allowing additional time to submit these records does not represent increased vulnerability to the crop insurance program given the current circumstances. ACTION: Insurance providers in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota may accept production reports until May 31, 1997, for those crops with an April 30, 1997 production reporting deadline. Producers should be encouraged to file these reports as soon as possible, to ensure that early claims can be adjusted as soon as possible.