BULLETIN NO.: MGR-97-026 TO: All Reinsured Companies All Risk Management Field Offices FSA Headquarters, Program Delivery and Field Operations FROM: Kenneth D. Ackerman Administrator SUBJECT: Guidelines for Establishing Single Delivery Transition Committees BACKGROUND: MGR-97-024 provided procedure relative to Secretary Glickman's decision to transfer all crop insurance policies with sales closing dates after June 30, 1997, from the Farm Service Agency (FSA) to approved reinsured companies. To facilitate the transition from dual to single delivery and to assist private companies in identifying and serving limited resource or socially disadvantaged farmers, Single Delivery Transition Committees (SDT Committees) will be established at the national level and for all States. Risk Management Agency (RMA) has consulted with the private industry and FSA to develop guidelines under which the SDT Committees will operate. The Deputy Administrator for Insurance Services will assume responsibility for coordinating and facilitating the work of the SDT Committees. Exhibit 1 conveys the guidelines governing the operation of the Committees. ACTION: Responsible offices will take action to begin operation of the SDT Committees in all States. GUIDELINES FOR SINGLE DELIVERY TRANSITION COMMITTEES A. The purpose of the Single Delivery Transition Committee (SDT Committee) is to: 1. facilitate a smooth transition from dual to single delivery; 2. track RMA Crop Insurance Help Line (RMA's 800 number) issues by jointly cooperating and assisting in problem identification and resolution; 3. lend assistance to private companies in identifying and serving individual and groups of limited resource, minority, and other socially disadvantaged farmers, 4. facilitate problem resolution to assure that crop insurance is available to all interested producers. B. Following are guidelines for the establishment of the SDT Committees and their functions. 1. A National SDT Committee will be convened to operate on the same principle as the State SDT Committees. 2. A SDT Committee is to be organized for each state. Particular emphasis will be given to the 36 States affected by the most recent transfer of policies from Farm Service Agency (FSA) to private companies; however, SDT Committees in all States will be concerned with identifying and serving limited resource, minority, and other socially disadvantaged farmers. 3. SDT Committees will be composed of representatives from the state or regional National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS) Loss Committee and the Regional Service Office (RSO). FSA State Offices will be invited to provide assistance to SDT Committees. Individuals representing these organizations will be at the discretion of each organization. 4. The appropriate RSO Director will be responsible for establishing each STD Committee at the state level and assuring that meetings have an agenda and recorded minutes. The RSO Director may delegate this responsibility. 5. The role and responsibility of the RSO will be that of a facilitator. RSOs will act as an intermediary to resolve problems. 6. The role and responsibility of NCIS will be to represent reinsured companies and their agents selling and servicing Federal Crop Insurance Corporation approved policies. NCIS will analyze problems from the perspective of the private industry and communicate with companies for problem resolution. 7. FSA representatives will analyze and help resolve any problems that are referred by SDT Committees. 8. Private companies and RMA will each assume responsibility for implementation of approved procedure established within their organizations. FSA will follow established procedure for their organization. 9. The RSO Director will convene the initial meeting in each State by August 1, 1997, to review the SDT Committee's purpose and objectives, discuss the roles of participants, and develop a plan for future meetings and problem resolution. 10. Any issues that are not quickly resolved at the local level will be forwarded to the RMA Deputy Administrator for Insurance Services in the National Office. 11. Regular meetings will be held each month during the 1998 Crop Year until August 1, 1998. If appropriate, meetings may be conducted via telephone conference call, may include more than one state, and may be called on an ad hoc basis if problems arise between meetings or after August 1, 1998. 12. In every state, actions will be taken to identify and serve individual and groups of limited resource, minority and other socially disadvantaged farmers. Local SDT Committees will inform the National SDT Committee of these actions each month by forwarding such information to the RMA Deputy Administrator for Insurance Services. 13. SDT Committees will document problems, actions taken, and resolution achieved, including the time taken to resolve a problem or complaint. On a monthly basis a report of activities will be submitted to RMA Deputy Administrator for Insurance Services.