TO:         All Reinsured Companies
            All Risk Management Field Offices
          	All Other Interested Parties
FROM:     	Kenneth D. Ackerman /s/ Michael Hand for KDA 
SUBJECT:    Statute of Limitations Waiver Fact Sheet
On December 4, 1998, the Secretary of Agriculture held a press conference to 
inform the public on the Department's progress in addressing Civil Rights 
Complaints.  During this conference he announced how the Statute of Limitations 
Waiver Process would work, allowing some people who had complained of 
discrimination by USDA in the past to be compensated.  
RMA has been asked to distribute this Fact Sheet to ensure that everyone who 
could benefit from this waiver gets this information.  Please assist us by 
distributing it to your staff, agents, and to anyone else with whom it may 
interest.  Thank you.
