BULLETIN NO.: MGR-99-002.3 TO: All Reinsured Companies All Risk Management Field Offices All Other Interested Parties FROM: Kenneth D. Ackerman /s/ Kenneth D. Ackerman Administrator SUBJECT: Emergency Financial Assistance to Farmers BACKGROUND: Bulletin No.: MGR-99-002 Action item B. 1. A. stated that the Risk Management Agency would announce, not later than February 15, 1999, an estimate of the percentage premium discount applicable for producers who qualify due to scab and/or vomitoxin damage. The following is provided. ACTION: Premium Discount for Producers with Multiple Losses Due to Scab and/or Vomitoxin The estimated total premium discount for producers qualifying with multiple losses due to scab and/or vomitoxin damage is 50 percent. This percentage includes the estimated 30 percent discount of producer-paid premium previously announced via MGR-99-002. The final percentage discount for scab and/or vomitoxin damage will be determined after qualifying acreage reports have been received from the reinsured companies. Note: All applicable provisions of MGR-99-002.2 regarding Billing, Premium Discounts and Loss Processing and Data Processing apply accordingly. In addition, please refer to the Data Acceptance System Manual 13 slipsheets regarding premium discount reporting. DISPOSAL: This bulletin is effective until December 31, 1999.