TO:       All Reinsured Companies
          All Risk Management Field Offices
          All Other Interested Parties

FROM:     Kenneth D. Ackerman /s/ Kenneth D. Ackerman

SUBJECT:  1999 Crop Revenue Coverage (CRC) Commodity Exchange Endorsement - 
          Durum Wheat Base Price


The CRC Base Price election formula for Durum Wheat as defined in the CRC 
Commodity Exchange Endorsement is based on market conditions for the past 
5 years.  However, this year projected durum wheat market prices are 
substantially different than the formula driven 5-year average.  Due to 
this unforseen market anomaly the CRC Durum Wheat Base Price would be 
substantially higher than the actual market price for durum wheat.  Due 
to the excessive risks associated with the artificially high prices 
generated under the current CRC Durum Wheat policy, the Federal Crop 
Insurance Corporation (FCIC) has determined that it cannot provide 
reinsurance, producer premium subsidy, and administrative and operating 
subsidy unless the policy is revised.


The following actions are effective immediately for the 1999 crop year:

1)   FCIC will not offer reinsurance, producer premium subsidy or administrative and operating
     expense reimbursement on any CRC Durum Wheat policy unless it is sold with the
     amended Commodity Exchange Endorsement approved by the Board (see attachments),
     except as specified in paragraph 2 below.  Since Federal preemption applied at the time of
     application, and continues to apply to the CRC Durum Wheat Policy, Federal preemption 
     applies to all CRC Durum Wheat

BULLETIN NO.: MGR-99-004                                        2

 2)  This action applies to all 1999 crop year CRC Durum Wheat policies in Arizona,
     California, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota, except those CRC Durum Wheat
     policies in Arizona and California written or applied for by the producer on or before
     October 31, 1998.  Policies in Arizona and California written or applied for by October 31,
     1998, will remain insured under the Commodity Exchange Endorsement in effect at the
     time of sale.  
3)   FCIC will accept, for reinsurance, producer premium subsidy and administrative and
     operating subsidy, those CRC Durum Wheat policies that have been revised through an
     amendment signed by the producer.  FCIC has approved the attached forms amending the
     Commodity Exchange Endorsement.  If a reinsured company elects to use a different form,
     it must submit it to FCIC for approval in accordance with Section V.E. of the 1999
     Standard Reinsurance Agreement.
4)   Reinsured Companies should inform policyholders their premium will be lower as a result
     of the lower Base Price.

DISPOSAL: This Bulletin will remain in effect until December 31, 1999.

BULLETIN NO.: MGR-99-004                                           3

                          Attachment A.

The provisions in section (IV) of the Commodity Exchange Endorsement - Wheat (99-CRC-CEE-WHEAT (Ed. 6/09/98)) regarding the Durum Wheat Base Price and Harvest Price for those counties with
a 3/15 cancellation date are deleted.  New provisions regarding the Durum Wheat Base Price and Harvest
Price for those counties with a 3/15 cancellation date are added to section (IV) of the Commodity
Exchange Endorsement - Wheat to read as follows:

Durum Wheat - (Insured as durum wheat in counties with a 3/15 cancellation date).  Minneapolis Grain
Exchange (MGE) 

     Base Price (MGE) - The Northern Durum Price multiplied times the selected Price Percentage and rounded
     to the nearest whole cent.  The Northern Durum Price equals the February harvest year's average daily
     settlement price for the harvest year's MGE September hard red spring wheat futures contract (rounded to the
     nearest whole cent) plus an adjustment equal to the average of the current year nearby basis and the current 5-year harvest basis.  The current year nearby basis is determined during the months of October, November,
     December, and January of the current crop year and is the difference between the average daily settlement
     price for top milling durum wheat, as reported by the MGE for such months (rounded to the nearest whole
     cent) and average daily settlement price for the nearby hard red spring wheat futures contract (rounded to the
     nearest whole cent).  During the months of October and November the nearby futures contract used to
     determine the current year nearby basis for top milling durum wheat will be the December contract.  During
     the months of December and January the nearby futures contract used to determine the current year nearby
     basis for top milling durum wheat will be the March contract.  The current 5-year harvest basis is the average
     difference between the August average daily settlement price for top milling durum wheat, as reported by the
     MGE (rounded to the nearest whole cent) and the August average daily settlement price for the nearby MGE
     September hard red spring wheat futures contract (rounded to the nearest whole cent).  The available Price
     Percentages and subsequent Base Price will be released as an Actuarial Document Addendum (Special
     Provisions) by March 10 of the harvest year.

     Harvest Price (MGE) - The August harvest year's average daily settlement price for top milling durum wheat
     as reported by the MGE (rounded to the nearest whole cent) multiplied times the selected Price Percentage
     and rounded to the nearest whole cent.  The Harvest Price cannot be less than the Base Price minus $2, or
     greater than the Base Price plus $2.  The Price Percentage used to calculate the Harvest Price is equal to the
     selected Price Percentage used to calculate the Harvest Price is equal to the selected Price Percentage used to
     calculate the Base Price.  The Harvest Price will be released as an Actuarial Document Addendum (Special
     Provisions) by September 10 of the harvest year.

I have read the above referenced policy amendment and agree to the terms and conditions.  I realize that if
I do not accept the terms and conditions in this amendment, my application will be rejected or my policy
will be canceled.  I understand the amendment will be effective for the 1999 and subsequent crop years.

Policyholder Signature:  ________________________________  - Date:____/____/____ 

Agent Signature:    ________________________________  -Date:____/____/____ 

99-CRC-CEE-WHEAT (Rev. 2/11/99)

BULLETIN NO.: MGR-99-004                                              4

                          Attachment B.

The provisions in section (IV) of the Commodity Exchange Endorsement - Wheat (99-CRC-CEE-WHEAT (Ed. 6/09/98)) regarding the Durum Wheat Base Price and Harvest Price for those counties
with a 10/31 cancellation date are deleted for only those CRC Durum Wheat policies written or applied
for after October 31, 1998.  For all CRC Durum Wheat policies written by October 31, 1998, the existing
provisions continue to apply for the 1999 crop year only.  New provisions regarding the Durum Wheat
Base Price and Harvest Price for those counties with a 10/31 cancellation date are added to section (IV)
of the Commodity Exchange Endorsement - Wheat, in all policies written or applied for after October 31,
1998, to read as follows:

Durum Wheat - (Insured as durum wheat in counties with a 10/31 cancellation date).  Minneapolis Grain
Exchange (MGE) Arizona and California

     Base Price (MGE) - The Southern Durum Price multiplied times the selected Price Percentage and rounded
     to the nearest whole cent.  The Southern Durum Price equals the September 15 to October 14 pre-harvest
     year's average daily settlement price for the harvest year's CBOT September soft red winter wheat futures
     contract (rounded to the nearest whole cent) plus an adjustment equal to the average of the current year
     nearby basis, determined during the months of May, June, July and August of the current crop year, and the
     current five-year average difference between the August average daily settlement price for top milling durum
     wheat as reported by the MGE (rounded to the nearest whole cent) and the August average daily settlement
     price for the nearby CBOT September soft red winter wheat futures contract (rounded to the nearest whole
     cent).  During the months of May and June the nearby futures contract used to determine the current year
     nearby basis for top milling durum wheat will be the July contract. During the months of July and August the
     nearby futures contract used to determine the current year nearby basis for top milling durum wheat will be
     the September contract. Beginning with the 2000 crop year the available Price Percentages and subsequent
     Base Price will be released as an Actuarial Document Addendum (Special Provisions) by October 20 of the
     pre-harvest year.  Effective for the 1999 crop year the CRC Durum Wheat Base Price for any policy written
     after October 31, 1998, will be $5.30.

     Harvest Price (MGE) - The August harvest year's average daily settlement price for top milling durum
     wheat as reported by the MGE (rounded to the nearest whole cent) multiplied times the selected Price
     Percentage and rounded to the nearest whole cent.  The Harvest Price cannot be less than the Base Price
     minus two dollars ($2.00), or greater than the Base Price plus two dollars ($2.00).  The Price Percentage used
     to calculate the Harvest Price is equal to the selected Price Percentage used to calculate the Base Price.  The
     Harvest Price will be released as an Actuarial Document Addendum (Special Provisions) by September 10 of
     the harvest year.

I have read the above referenced policy amendment and agree to the terms and conditions.  I realize that
if I do not accept the terms and conditions in this amendment, my application will be rejected or my
policy will be canceled.  I understand the amendment will be effective for the 1999 and subsequent crop

Policyholder Signature:  _______________________________ - Date:____/____/____ 

Agent Signature:    ________________________________-Date:____/____/____ 

99-CRC-CEE-WHEAT (Rev. 2/11/99)