March 12, 1999

BULLETIN NO.: MGR-99-008.1

TO:          All Reinsured Companies
             All Risk Management Field Offices
             All Other Interested Parties

FROM:        Kenneth D. Ackerman	   /s/ Kenneth D. Ackerman

SUBJECT:     Cancellation of Crop Revenue Coverage (CRC) Crop Insurance 
             Policies Sold With CRCPlus


The Action item under Bulletin No.: MGR-99-008 states that producers must complete mutual consent cancellation procedures on CRC rice policies, in writing, before the close of business March 15, 1999. Producers who cancel their CRC policy may purchase Catastrophic Risk Protection (CAT) coverage under certain conditions related to receipt of Emergency Financial Disaster Assistance.


The Risk Management Agency has extended the completion date of mutual consent cancellations procedures on CRC rice policies to before the close of business March 19, 1999. Also, all producers including those who cancel their CRC rice policy may make an application for CAT coverage until April 28, 1999.