April 2, 1999


TO:          All Reinsured Companies
             All Risk Management Field Offices

FROM:        Tim B. Witt	   /s/ Tim B. Witt
             Deputy Administrator

SUBJECT:    Crop Provisions for the Cabbage Pilot Program for the 2000 Crop Year  

The Risk Management Agency (RMA) placed on the Reporting Organization (RO) Server the crop provisions, disclaimer, and procedure that will be effective beginning the 2000 crop year for cabbage in the following areas:

Areas Available Sales Closing Date
Georgia - Colquitt County July 1
South Carolina - Horry County
Texas - Hidalgo County
Florida - Flagler, Putnam, St. Johns Counties August 15

This information is also available on the RMA WebSite at:
ftp://ftp.rma.usda.gov/pub/Policies/2000/pilot/wpd/ and

If you have any questions, please contact Vondie O'Conner, Research and Evaluation Division Director, at (816) 926-6343.


This Informational Memorandum is for the purpose of transmitting information and the expiration date is December 31, 1999.