TO: All Reinsured Companies All Risk Management Field Offices FROM: Tim B. Witt /s/ Tim B. Witt Deputy Administrator SUBJECT: 1999 Manual-13, Data Acceptance System (DAS) Handbook Slipsheets
The 1999 Manual 13, Data Acceptance System and Reinsurance Accounting System Handbook,
has been updated to reflect minor changes and clarifications.
The entire 1999 Handbook is maintained electronically via the Risk Management Agency's
Home Page. The RMA Website address is: under the Data Acceptance System (M-13) Handbook directory.
For questions regarding content of book, please contact Seavey Anthony, Data Quality
Section at (816) 926-3865, or for questions on downloading files contact Herb Solomon at
(816) 926-1608.
This Informational Memorandum is for the purpose of transmitting information and the expiration date is December 31, 1999.
The following changes have been made to the 1999 Draft M-13 :
April 8, 1999
1. Narrative - added text (page 20) for CRC plus.
2. 11 Record Exhibit - Corrected spelling on the word "REDUCTION"
3. 13 Record - Updated field edits on Amount of Insurance, field 24 and Unit Option Code, field 26.
4. 14 Record - Updated field edit on FSA Assigned Policy, field 27. Updated field edit on Multiple County
flag, field 31.
5. 17 Record Exhibit - Updated plan code for GRIP.
6. 18 Record - Changed picture clause from alphanumeric to numeric on the Tax Year 1 thru Tax Year 5 fields. Added new field - Agent Id Code.
7. 19 Record - Updated field edit on EFA Discount Flag, field 47.
8. 19 Record Calculations - Updated calculations to correct field numbers under displayed fields.
9. 20 Record - Updated field edit on Reinsurance Year, field 9.
10. 21 Record Exhibits - Nursery (0073) was updated to list FG & C (page 2). Cause of loss for GRP was updated to include GRP/GRIP (page 5). Added stage code of RR for Raisin Reconditioning Payment (pages 12 & 14). Updated Simplified Claims Processing according to MGR-98-030 (page 15). Updated reduction percents for Cotton and ELS Cotton (page 16).
11. 22 Record - Removed the word "required" from field edit on Type 13 Record Number, field 17.
March 8, 1999
1. 11 Record - Updated fields 57 & 58 to include CAT and the "0" flag for EFA Discount Flag.
March 5, 1999
1. 11 Record Exhibit - Move Cotton (0021) and ELS Cotton (0022) to the 50, 55 & 60 Percent. Add statement for Cotton about 15 day late planting period. Changes are on pages 1 & 2.
2. 14 Record - Added statement to field edit of Late Processed Flag, field 17. Added statement to field edit of FSA Assigned Policy, field 27. Changes are on pages 14-3 & 14-4.
March 4, 1999
1. 11 Record - Changed the price election percent (field 33) for Rice from three decimals to four decimals. Excluded CY 1998 Raisins from EFA, fields 57 & 58.
2. 13 Record Calculations - Moved Base Rate in front of Map Factor on Total Premium Calculation. This did not change the outcome of the calculation.
3. 15 Record Exhibit - Clarified that yield types of A, F & P are for California Avocados
4. 21 Record Calculations - Added footnote about Cabbage on the price election field in the Indemnity Calculation.
5. 26 Exhibit - Added Cabbage to list of Category B Crops.