June 9th, 1999


TO:          All Reinsured Companies
             All Risk Management Field Offices
             Reliance Reinsurance Insurance Corporation of Hanover

FROM:        Tim B. Witt	/s/ Roberta E. Waggoner (for)
             Deputy Administrator

SUBJECT:     Aquaculture Insurance Products Meeting

The Risk Management Agency (RMA) has scheduled an aquaculture insurance products meeting from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p. m. central time, June 29, 1999. It will be held in Room 142 at RMA's Kansas City Office at 9435 Holmes Road, Kansas City, Missouri. This meeting is being held to discuss the direction of insurance products for additional aquaculture species. Your input is valuable to determine additional species to be insured, plan(s) of insurance to be considered, reinsurance agreements, and the areas where aquaculture insurance products will be offered.

A pilot insurance program for clams utilizing the inventory plan of insurance will be offered for crop year 2000. A brief review of this plan will also be presented.

For those of you needing overnight accommodations, RMA has obtained special rates at the Fairfield Inn and Clubhouse Inn. The Fairfield Inn located at 4401 W. 107th Street, Overland Park, Kansas, (913) 381-5700, has quoted a rate of $64 plus tax. The Clubhouse Inn located at 10610 Marty, Overland Park, Kansas, (913) 648-5555, has quoted a rate of $79 plus tax which includes a full breakfast. You will be required to make your own reservations and quote the group rate when you call.

Please provide Elaine Taylor the name, company name, and phone number of the person(s) who will be attending the meeting by close of business June 16, 1999. Elaine can be reached at (816) 926-6343, or by fax at (816) 926-7343.


This informational memorandum is for the purpose of transmitting information and the expiration date is December 31, 1999.