name | Contains | Record
Count | File size
in bytes | |||||||||||||||| |
ADM record type 1: (Rates) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type T: (FCI-33) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 4: (Prices) ADM record type N: (Florida Fruit Tree Proration Data) ADM record type I: (Income Protection) ADM record type A: (Rate Data/Revenue Price Data) |
2,313 2,313 1,270 4,179 1,311 1,229 13,432 109 79 2,313 1,814 279 1,232 156 |
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 4: (Prices) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type 7: (FCI-32 Listing P & S) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type 9: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Data) ADM record type G: (Adjusted Gross Revenue Commodity Data) ADM record type H: (High Risk) ADM record type P: (Opt. Prices/Factors) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type T: (FCI-33) ADM record type I: (Income Protection) ADM record type N: (Proration Data, Nursery & FL Fruit Tr) ADM record type C: (Crop Revenue) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type J: (Rate Data/GRIP Crops) ADM record type V: (Revenue Assurance) ADM record type A: (Rate Data/Revenue Price Data)
| 86,261 86,349 74,300 86,328 163,613 8,370 271,855 7,891 1,022 73,585 33,705 190 82,231 5,479 72,740 33,211 690,422 3,366 177,489 592 556 30,195 156
Price Addendum for 2001 12/31 filing |
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type C: (Crop Revenue) ADM record type F: (High Risk - Continuous Rating) ADM record type I: (Income Protection) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type N: (Proration Data, Nursery & FL Fruit Tr) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type P: (Opt. Prices/Factors) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type T: (FCI-33) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type V: (Revenue Assurance) ADM record type 4: (Prices)
| 24,702 24,702 24,702 4,865 1,953 144,619 85,849 3,433 3,087 24,211 2,964 772 1,662 3,252 6,180 140 19,959 2,378 10,251
ADM record type 1: (Rates) | ADM record type 2: (Factors) ADM record type 3: (Dates) ADM record type 5: (Statements) ADM record type 7: (FCI-32 Listing P & S) ADM record type K: (Option Data - Continuous Rating) ADM record type M: (Map Area) ADM record type O: (Options) ADM record type S: (Statement Text) ADM record type X: (Cross-Reference Data) ADM record type Y: (T-Yields) ADM record type 4: (Prices) ADM record type C: (Crop Revenue) ADM record type F: (High Risk - Continuous Rating) ADM record type I: (Income Protection) ADM record type N: (Proration Data, Nursery & FL Fruit Tr) ADM record type P: (Opt. Prices/Factors) ADM record type R: (Rate Class) ADM record type T: (FCI-33) ADM record type W: (Whole Farm & Enterprise) ADM record type V: (Revenue Assurance)
| 25,025 25,025 25,025 30 86,045 3,556 24,975 2,290 182 20,040 10,332 4,865 1,953 144,619 3,087 2,964 772 3,252 6,180 2,378
| |
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