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You are: Home / Federal Crop Insurance Corporation / FCIC COP


As directed by the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000, RMA in 2001 selected a contractor, Agrilogic, Inc., to develop a COP risk protection plan of insurance. The FCIC Board, RMA, and six independent experts in actuarial science and underwriting reviewed the proposed COP product during 2002. That process identified a number of concerns with the product, and the Board decided to continue product development. A final submission was presented to the Board in the summer of 2003, and the Board, RMA, and six independent experts again reviewed the revised COP proposed product.

All the following files are in PDF format.

COP Cotton Expert Reviews

COP Cotton: Global Ag Risk
COP Cotton: LaFrance
COP Cotton: MBA
COP Cotton: NCIS
COP Cotton: Pierce
COP Cotton: Sparks

The following additional deliverables are from the FCIC Board's October 9, 2003 meeting.

COP Agent Training
COP Student Training
COP Basic Provisions
COP Loss Adjustment Standards
COP Pilot Crop Provisions

Cotton Rating Certification
Cotton Underwriting Guide
FCI-35 Template
General Underwriting Guide
Increased Expenses Endorsement

COP Rating Assumptions
Special Provisions
Summary of Changes to LAM
Summary of Changes to Prevented Planting Handbook
Rating Model Memo
Economic Assessment of Providing COP

Statement by FCIC Chairman | FCIC Meeting Archive