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2002 News Archive


Project Name/Area(s) Organization Contact Amount Objective

Risk Management for Fruit Crops Through Prediction of Frost Conditions
States: AL, FL, GA, NC, SC

University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.

Gerritt Hoogenboom (770) 229-3438


To develop an intelligence-based risk management system that will utilize short-term weather data to predict frost and reduce risk for horticultural crop producers, especially fruit crops, in the southeastern U.S.

Reducing Exposure to Drought Risk in Potato Production Systems
States: ID (may also be applicable to WA and OR)

University of Idaho

Jeffrey Stark (208) 529-8376


To develop a web-based software tool that can be used by potato growers, water managers and risk management personnel to reduce exposure to drought risk in potato cropping systems.

An Integrated Approach to Spatio-Temporal Models and Tools for Agricultural Risk Assessment and Exposure Analysis
States: All

Board of Regents, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Steve Goddard (402) 472-9968


To develop web-based tools that provide spatial analysis and mapping; and to develop a series of risk education workshops for producers and educators

Research of Labor Issues and Development of Labor Cooperatives as Operational Risk Management Tools for Limited Resource and Small Family Farms in Mississippi and Florida
States: FL, MS

North-South Institute (NSI)

Samuel Scott (954) 254-7620


The goal of this program is to establish two agricultural labor cooperatives that will serve as operational risk management tools for limited resource and small family farms in selected areas

Risk Reduction for Specialty Crops in the Southeastern U.S.A.
States: AL, FL, GA

University of Florida

James Jones (352) 392-1864 ext. 289


To produce web-based products that provide climate forecast information to producers and to provide risk management decision aids for use in three specialty crop commodities and forestry

An Organic Comparative Analysis Tool (OCAT) for Direct Marketing Strategies of Organic Commodities
States: AL, FL, GA, SC, TN

Georgia Organics, Inc.

Deidre Birmingham (770) 993-5534


To develop a OCAT for farmers, based on the results of an analysis of appropriate data, that will help them select the direct marketing strategies most appropriate for their situation

Providing Risk Management Tools for Producers Who Diversify Into New or Specialty Crops
States: All

Texas Tech University

Jay McMillen (806) 742-3884


To develop and analyze a simulation model capable of examining the joint use of crop insurance, forward pricing, and the three USDA price risk protection programs (LDP, fixed payments, and counter-cyclical payments) in a multiple-crop context

Research Partnership for Risk Management Development and Implementation: Addressing the Bioterrorism Threat to Agriculture
States: All

Science Applications International Corporation (LSAIC)

Florentino Pilar (703) 312-6077


To develop a better understanding of potential bioterrorist threats at different points in the food chain and the implications on the farming sector; develop interim solutions or actions; and develop insurance coverage against bioterrorist threats

Feasibility and Development of Triticale Risk Insurance Product
States: IA, MI, WI

AgriLogic, Inc.

Joe Davis (979) 690-2106


To generate the necessary data and information to assist AgriLogic and RMA policymakers in analysis and evaluation of the insurance options for triticale

Apiculture Insurance Product
States: All

AgriLogic, Inc.

Joe Davis (979) 690-2106


To generate the necessary data and information to assist AgriLogic and RMA policymakers in analysis and evaluation of an insurance program for apiculture

Use of Weather Station Data to Create Yield Insurance Products for Underserved Crops
States: All

Iowa State University

Dermt Hayes (515) 294-6185


To conduct basic research in economics and finance and to develop risk management tools that target particular weather events for underserved commodities

Burning Risk Advisory Support System (BRASS): Fine Fuel Prediction System to Assist State Forestry Agencies in Catastrophic Fire Loss Reduction on Private Wildlands
States: AR, LA, OK, TX

AgriLogic, Inc.

Joe Davis (979) 690-2106


To develop a BRASS for private landowners that would facilitate characterization of fine-fuel loading values to improve Internet based State forestry wildland fire assessment programs

Developing Weather Based Risk Management and Insurance Products for NAP and Specialty Crops in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic and Southwest States
States: AZ, DE, MD, NJ, NY

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Dr. Calum Turvey (732) 932-1966


To develop a research program to evaluate the equity and efficiency of weather insurance for NAP and specialty crops

Developing a Prescribed Fire Liability Product
States: All

Iowa Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Forestry

Mike Brandrup (515) 281-8657


To prevent, control, and suppress wildfires through the development of an insurance product that reduces the liability of private contractors and non-governmental organizations when conducting prescribed fires on private forestland

Insurance Vision: A Risk Management Decision-Support Tool
States: All

AgriLogic, Inc.

Joe Davis (979) 690-2106


To design and develop a risk management decision-support tool for agricultural producers