A Partnership for Risk Management Education for Montana States: MT
Montana State University |
Gary W. Brester (406) 994-7883 |
$44,900 |
To provide Montana farm and ranch managers with education and information that will allow them
to better use financial management, crop insurance, marketing contracts and other existing and
emerging risk management tools. |
Marketing Guide, Marketing Seminar and Prairie Grains Seminar
States: ND
North Dakota Grain Growers Association
Tara Gillespie (218) 284-0235
$70,000 |
To provide North Dakota farmers risk management education on marketing through the Prairie
Grains convention, seminars and various annual publications.
Risk Management Seminars for Agricultural Producers
in South Dakota
States: SD
South Dakota Corn Growers Association |
Teddi Mueller (605) 334-0100 |
$79,800 |
To conduct a series of seminars across South Dakota to educate agricultural producers on
risk management, which include crop insurance, forward pricing, asset diversification and
Arizona Risk Management Education for Priority Commodities
States: AZ |
University of Arizona |
Russell Tronstad (520) 621-2425 |
$79,800 |
To enable cow/calf, specialty crop, and forage producers in Arizona to more fully utilize the
power of the "computer chip" and Internet to make better risk management and overall business
Risk Management Education for Farmers and Ranchers in California
States: CA |
Regents of the University of California |
Daniel Sumner (530) 752-1668 |
$498,400 |
To ensure that California cow/calf/hay, small and beginning farmers and ranchers and fruit and
tree nut producers will be better able to use financial management, crop insurance and other
existing and emerging risk management tools. |
A Risk Management Education Program for Agri-Entrepreneurs in Hawaii
States: HI |
Hawaii Department of Agriculture |
Matthew L. Loke (808) 973-9592 |
$51,800 |
To develop and make available Hawaii-relevant risk reduction management tools and related
information for agri-entrepreneurs statewide during the largest agricultural conference in
Hawaii in 2004. |
Risk Management Education for Mountain States Livestock Producers
States: UT, NV, WY |
Utah State University |
Bruce Godfrey (435) 797-2294 |
$163,730 |
To address the unique financial risks associated with raising livestock in Utah, Nevada, and
Wyoming. |
Risk Management Education for Arkansas Specialty Crop Producers
States: AR |
University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service |
Ronald Rainey (501) 671-2175 |
$116,200 |
To develop fact sheets, conduct a train-the-trainer workshop, hold a producer marketing
conference, and conduct a producer marketing educational tour relevant for Arkansas farmers.
Risk Management Education for Small Beef Cattle, Cow-Calf, and Meat Goat Producers
States: KY |
Kentucky State University Cooperative Extension Program |
Marion Simon (502) 597-6437 |
$85,400 |
To target Kentucky small beef cattle, cow-calf, and meat goat producers with risk management
education and employ the agricultural professionals who serve them including crop insurance
agents. |
Risk Management for Louisiana Farmers
States: LA |
Southern University Law Center |
John Pierre (225) 771-4900 |
$64,900 |
To assist limited resource family farmers in Louisiana in better managing risks. |
MEGA Mentor Project
States: MS |
Mississippians Engaged in Greener Agriculture (MEGA) |
Dorothy Grady-Scarbrough (662) 398-7044 |
$88,200 |
To provide Mississippi farmers with skills and knowledge that will enable them to make more
informed risk management decisions in their operations. |
Risks Associated with Alternative Underserved Horticultural Crops in Tennessee
States: TN |
University of Tennessee, Institute of Ag, Extension Service |
Charles Hall and Clark Garland (865) 974-7271 |
$68,000 |
To develop an educational program to ensure that Tennessee producers will better understand
the multi-faceted dimensions of risk (including production, marketing, financial, human resource
and legal/ environmental risks) and be better able to use various financial and risk management
tools. |
Risk Management Education for Texas Producers of Cattle and Horticulture
States: TX |
Texas Cooperative Extension |
Stephen H. Amosson (806) 677-5600 |
$247,800 |
To ensure that cattle producers and horticultural crop producers will be better able to use
financial management, insurance products, marketing, drought mitigation, and other existing
risk management tools. |
Risk Management Education for Oklahoma Producers of Priority Commodities
States: OK |
Oklahoma State University |
Damona Doye (405) 744-9813 |
$107,800 |
To provide practical, timely, comprehensive materials to support risk assessment and
decision-making of farm families producing priority commodities. |
Risk Management Education for the North Carolina Green Industry
States: NC |
North Carolina Association of Nurserymen |
Beverly Gelvin (919) 816-9117 |
$144,200 |
To unite major North Carolina green industry groups to offer education that manages risk in the
green industry by utilizing sales and marketing strategies, production practices, addressing
legal issues, using crop insurance, and enhancing human resource and business management
skills. |
Commodity Education and Information for Virginia Agricultural Producers
States: VA |
Virginia Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services |
Donald Ayers (804) 786-0480 |
$78,400 |
To provide Virginia producers of priority commodities with training and informational
opportunities needed to identify business trends, understand risk management tools, and apply
this knowledge to their own farming operations. |
Northeast Dairy Farm Financial and Price Risk Management
States: Northeast |
Cornell University |
Mark Stephenson (607) 255-0324 |
$390,600 |
To address price and financial risk for dairy farmers due to milk price volatility. |
Risk Management Education and Information for Mid-Atlantic Region
States: PA, MD, DE, WV, NJ |
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture |
Kyle Nagurny (717) 787-2376 |
$343,000 |
To provide general risk management education and information to producers in
Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, and New Jersey. |
Managing for the Future, Planning for Profitability: Risk Management Education for Livestock
States: ID |
Idaho Cattle Association |
Karen M. Williams (208) 343-1615 |
$82,840 |
To educate beef producers through a series of workshops about managing their risk so that they
can achieve a greater return on their assets and resources. |
Educational Seminars for Oregon Nursery Growers
States: OR |
Oregon Association of Nurserymen |
Aimee Schendel (503) 682-5089 |
$98,000 |
To educate wholesale production growers in the ornamental horticulture industry on risk
management, including the use of equipment safety, water issues, disease, pesticides, and
business and marketing practices. |
Commodity Partnership for Risk Management Education in Washington State
States: WA |
Washington Wine Industry Foundation |
Vicky Scharlau (509) 782-8234 |
$128,800 |
To educate wine grape, potato and tree fruit growers through an innovative partnership on
financial management, crop insurance, marketing contracts and other existing and emerging
risk management tools. |
Controlling Risks on Illinois Farms
States: IL |
University of Illinois |
Gary Schnitkey (217) 244-9595 |
$74,200 |
To deliver educational programs that examine the combined impacts that tenure, marketing, and
insurance choices have on a farm's risk position. |
Risk Management Education Programs for Priority Commodities in Indiana
States: IN |
Purdue University |
Joan Fulton (765) 494-0594 |
$78,400 |
To develop and conduct a series of risk management education programs for priority commodities
to be held at commodity group conferences and as stand-alone workshops in Indiana. |
Risk Management Training for Farm Families
States: MI |
The Farm Research Cooperative |
Leroy Ray (269) 521-4993 |
$89,600 |
To improve the use and understanding of risk management tools among specialty crop producers and
address the needs of under-served farmers in Michigan. |
Ohio Specialty Risk Management Initiative
States: OH |
Mid American Ag and Hort Services, Inc |
John Wargowsky (614) 246-8286
$95,200 |
To increase commercial Ohio fresh fruit and vegetable producer awareness and understanding of
practices that will reduce marketability and environmental risk. |
A Collaborative Approach for Providing Risk Management Assistance to Producers of Minnesota
Specialty Crops, Christmas Trees, Ornamental Nursery Products and Livestock
States: MN |
Minnesota Grown Promotion Group, Inc |
Bob Fitch (651) 633-4987 |
$110,600 |
To deliver risk management education through a collaborative effort by eleven associations.
Training and Resources for Diversified Agriculture
States: WI |
Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Services |
Faye Jones (715) 772-3153 |
$129,775 |
To deliver risk management training, tools, and resources that address the needs of Wisconsin
farmers engaged in organic production, marketing and accessing new markets for farm products.
Commodity Partnership Risk Management Education Project in Colorado
States: CO |
Colorado State University |
Dennis Kaan (970) 345-2287 |
$113,395 |
To better equip agricultural producers in Colorado with tools, strategies and expertise to
implement risk management practices in their organizations. |
Helping Farm Families Make Sound Business Decisions
States: KS |
Kansas State University |
Charles Griffin (785) 532-2025 |
$141,400 |
To develop risk management tools and provide training on how farm families can effectively work
toward building a financially sound and enduring farm business. |
Managing Risk with New Ideas for Happy and Profitable Farming Project (HAP)
States: MO |
Small Farm Today |
Ronald Macher 800-633-2535 |
$96,600 |
To create a change of awareness and behavior in new and beginning small farmers and ranchers by
giving them information about managing risk with specialty crops and livestock to help them farm
more successfully and sustainably. |
Risk Management Education for Nebraska Cattlemen
States: NE |
Nebraska Cattlemen, Inc |
Greg Ruehle (402) 475-2333 |
$148,400 |
To develop, promote and implement a risk management education program for livestock producers,
including the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) plans for feeder cattle and fed cattle and Swine
LRP, now as a pilot in Nebraska. |
Alabama Risk Management Education Partnership
States: AL |
Alabama Nurserymen's Association |
Linda Van Dyke (334) 821-5148 |
$102,200 |
To reach all segments of the "green" industry in Alabama and provide producers with extensive
risk management education and information designed to help them improve their business.
Comprehensive Risk Management Education and Training Initiative for Florida Agricultural
States: FL |
Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services |
Larry Amison (850) 488-4031 |
$176,400 |
To provide comprehensive risk management education and training for Florida
agricultural producers. It is composed of multiple projects with some initiatives aimed at
specific industry segments and others directed at broad segments of Florida's agricultural
community. |
Georgia Specialty Crop Risk Management Education Project
States: GA |
Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association |
Charles T. Hall, Jr. (877) 994-3842 |
$124,495 |
To provide specialty crop growers and agribusiness professional in Georgia with training and
information to help them identify risk management practices and production tools that best meet
their needs in managing risk. |
South Carolina Risk Management Education Partnership
States: SC |
South Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association |
Donna Foster (864) 592-3868 |
$63,000 |
To provide training, information and resources to South Carolina nursery growers, landscapers,
and others in the "green" industry to help them reduce risk and aid them in growing a high
quality product, using environmentally sound methods. |