News Archives
WASHINGTON, Apr 15, 2010 - RMA debuted its new Information Browser
page today. This page will provide links to all data and web applications available
on the RMA public Web site.
The page combines links formerly available through the “Actuarial Documents,“
“Data,“ and “Tools and Calculators“ areas on our left-hand navigation bar, and new applications
that are now available.
Over the next few months,
the current links to those areas will be removed and replaced with a single left-hand navigation bar link
to the new Information Browser page.
This change is based on user feedback and is intended to simplify the user experience and centralize all RMA data
and applications.
RMA also released two new applications: The Actuarial Information Browser for
2011 and beyond, and the Cost Estimator, also for 2011 and beyond.
If you have comments or questions, please let us know at:
RMA Applications Support.