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John Shea, 202-690-0437

FCIC Announces Conclusion of Pilot Biotechnology Endorsement Program

WASHINGTON, Sep 26, 2011 - The Pilot Biotechnology Yield Endorsement (BE) and subsequent Biotechnology Endorsement (BE), approved by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Board of Directors (FCIC Board) starting with the 2008 crop year (CY), will no longer be in effect beginning with CY 2012.

The Pilot BE has provided a premium rate reduction to eligible producers that plant certain qualifying corn hybrids. The Pilot BE was approved through the 2011 crop year. After careful consideration, and in consultation with the pilot submitters, the FCIC Board has concluded the Pilot BE will terminate in the interest of program simplification.

RMA will also consider an appropriate reduction in the underlying base premium rates for corn in the existing pilot area beginning with the 2012 crop year.

States in the Pilot BE included Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

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