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John Shea, 202-690-0437
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Plans of Insurance
WASHINGTON, Nov 10, 2011 - The Risk Management Agency announces that the next sales date for LGM is November 18, 2011. In particular, approximately $7 million in underwriting capacity is allocated to support LGM for Dairy Cattle for the Nov 18 sales period. This will bring the total to approximately $13.2 million for fiscal year 2012. Sales will begin no earlier than 4:30p.m. CST. Sales will begin on the half hour if information to determine the Expected Gross Margins is not available by 4:30p.m. CST. For instance, if the expected gross margins have not been released by 4:30p.m. CST, sales will begin at 5:00pm CST and so on.
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