March 18, 1999

BULLETIN NO.: MGR-99-008.2

TO:          All Reinsured Companies
             All Risk Management Field Offices
             All Other Interested Parties

FROM:        Kenneth D. Ackerman	   /s/ John Zirschky

SUBJECT:     Extended Cancellation Period for Crop Revenue Coverage (CRC) 
             Crop Insurance Policies Sold With CRCPlus


Bulletin No.: MGR-99-008 and 99-008.1 provided producers the opportunity to complete mutual consent cancellations on CRC rice policies, in writing, before the close of business March 19, 1999. Producers who canceled their CRC policy may purchase Catastrophic Risk Protection (CAT) coverage until April 28, 1999.

The Secretary of Agriculture announced today that USDA will seek legislation that would allow producers who had purchased CRCPlus policies additional time to change their coverage or insurance provider. CRCPlus is offered on corn, cotton, grain sorghum, soybeans, wheat and rice in selected states and counties. In order to assist growers in making crop insurance coverage decisions pending anticipated action by Congress on the proposed legislation, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) is further extending the completion date of mutual consent cancellations on CRC rice policies.


Mutual consent cancellations on CRC rice policies must be completed before the close of business April 2, 1999.