News Archives
John Shea, 202-690-0437
WASHINGTON, Jan 3, 2008 - RMA released the pilot Biotech Yield Endorsement (BYE) related materials and
instructions to approved insurance providers today for the 2008 crop year. The BYE will be available in the states of
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Minnesota.
The BYE will provide producers a premium rate reduction if they plant non-irrigated corn
for grain containing three specific biotech traits - YieldGard Corn Borer, YieldGard Rootworm and Roundup Ready'
Corn 2, which are only marketed under the
trade names of YieldGard Plus with Roundup Ready Corn 2 and YieldGard VT Triple.
Producers with an individual yield or revenue insurance plan (APH,
or CRC) at a buy-up level of Federal crop
insurance coverage will be eligible for the discount on any unit in which at least 75 percent of their corn acres are
non-irrigated corn for grain planted to a qualifying corn hybrid. This endorsement does not waive or
otherwise affect the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)
existing refuge requirements. Producers will be expected to be in full compliance with all EPA requirements.
BYE is not an endorsement of any particular brand of seed. Producers should plant the type of seed that best
meets their risk management needs. However, if producers are interested in BYE, they should consult with their crop
insurance agent regarding its terms and conditions.
For more information about BYE,
please see our frequently asked questions.