Acreage Crop Reporting Streamlining Initiative (ACRSI)
Acreage crop reporting is an important part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) delivery of programs and services to farmers and ranchers. The USDA Acreage Crop Reporting Streamlining Initiative (ACRSI) has established a common framework for agricultural producers to submit acreage reports to USDA.
Farmers and ranchers can now choose to report their common crop acreage information either to their Farm Service Agency (FSA) local county office or their participating crop insurance agent on behalf of the Risk Management Agency (RMA). The common information from that acreage report will be shared electronically and securely between FSA, RMA and the producer’s Approved Insurance Provider (AIP).
Producers must still contact both their FSA county office and their crop insurance agent as they normally would to validate their common data, provide program-specific information (including maps) and sign acreage reports needed by both agencies, but the overall time spent filing their acreage reports will be reduced due to the one-time reporting of the common acreage report data.
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Contact Information
Find a crop insurance agent to discuss available options.
Crop insurance is sold and delivered solely through private crop insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers and online at the RMA Agent Locator.
For more information, contact RMA Public Affairs.