What's New Archive - May 2003
May 29, 2003
- FCIC 25020-2 Almond Loss Adjustment
Standards Handbook. This is not a new handbook. This version contains slipsheets
- 03-25090-5 Cotton Loss Adjustment
Standards Handbook
May 27, 2003
May 26, 2003
- The 9 year Summary Of Business report for 05/19/2003 has been released
- The Weekly National Summary of Business report for 05/19/2003 has been updated
May 22, 2003
- Testimony
Statement of Ross Davidson, Jr. before the House Agriculture Subcommittee
on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management
Testimony attachment
Attachment to Statement of Ross Davidson, Jr.
FCIC 25360 (05-2003) Central and Southern Potato Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook
May 21, 2003
- May 21st
Access to all web/ftp sites, along with web application services has been restored following yesterday's planned maintenance
May 20, 2003
- May 20th 5:30pm-11:30p CST
The majority of RMA's web sites were unavailable, from 5:30pm until 11:30pm CST, during scheduled emergency maintenance.
Access to ftp, and web application services were impacted this time period
May 19, 2003
- The 9 year Summary Of Business report for 05/19/2003 released
- The Weekly National Summary of Business report for 05/19/2003 updated
May 16, 2003
May 15, 2003
- R&D Memo 03-021 22002 Crop Year (CY) Group Risk Plan- Rangeland Pilot Program Final Payment Yields
May 13, 2003
- Reinsurance Reports Updated Reinsurance Reports. Reports Covering Premium
& Losses by Reinsurance Fund by State
May 12, 2003
- The 9 year Summary Of Business report for 05/12/2003 has been released
- The Weekly National Summary of Business report for 05/12/2003 has been updated
FCIC-25130-1 (11-2000) Fig Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook & This is not a new handbook. This version contains slipsheets
May 8, 2003
FCIC Board Documents Documents from the May 7, 2003 meeting posted
- GRP Final Payment Yields The files FNL02SOY.zip and
FNL02SOY.pdf have been replaced due to a formula error in the final payment indicator
fields. All underlying data was correct as originally released
State Profiles 2002 State Profiles posted for 47 States
May 7, 2003
MGR-03-008 Procedures for Submitting Premium Reduction Plans,
file updated to correct internal hyperlink
May 6, 2003
- Draft PDFs The
Draft 2003 M13 records/documents have been updated
RO-Bulletin 03-012 Reporting Organization Server Release 03-012
Actuarial Information
May 5, 2003
- MGR-03-008 Memo: Procedures for Submitting Premium Reduction Plans
- PDF Procedures For
Premium-Reduction Application
- The 9 year Summary Of Business report for 05/05/2003 has been released
- The Weekly National Summary of Business report for 05/05/2003 has been updated
May 1, 2003
- R&D Memo 03-022 2002 Crop Year (CY) Group Risk Plan-Forage Production Final Payment Yields
- GRP Final Payment Yields The Forage Files fnl02for.zip and fnl02for.pdf have been updated
- 04-25170 Fresh Market Sweet Corn Loss Adjustment
Standards Handbook
- Software/PDF The 2004 EPLPPS books and NCIP inventory software has been released.